Friday, November 26, 2021


Gray Hair No More Ebook PDF by reviewcentre - issuu
Did you know that an average hair grows 0.3 mm a day and 1 cm per month? 
Hello and welcome to me simplified. In this video, we will take a look at the most common causes of grey hair. Premature greying of hair, also known as canities, can have negative effects on appearance, confidence, self-esteem, and social acceptance of the affected individual Hair pigmentation is one of the most unique features in humans ranging from black, brown, and blonde to red. The color of human hair is due to the pigment “melanin” produced by melanocytes, the same cells which are responsible for the pigmentation of our skin. There are two main forms of hair pigment. There's eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is what we see in brunettes and darker-haired people, and pheomelanin is what we see in blonds and redheads. These Melanocytes are located in the hair follicle which is basically from where the root of the hair originates. Each hair grows from a single Hair follicle. As the strand of the hair grows, melanocytes inject the pigment (melanin) into cells containing keratin. Keratin is the protein that makes up our hair, skin, and nails. Throughout the years, melanocytes continue to inject pigment into the hair’s keratin, giving it a colorful hue. With age comes a reduction of melanin. The hair turns grey and eventually white, and this is a natural process. But the problem arises when this reduction in the production of melanin comes early in age due to some other reasons and there are plenty of reasons due to which this can occur. Let's look at some of the most common reasons for premature greying of hair. NO. 1 VITAMIN & MINERAL DEFICIENCIES Deficiencies of vitamin B-6, B-12, biotin, vitamin D, or vitamin E can contribute to premature greying. Vitamin B-12 deficiency is one of the most common causes of prematurely graying hair. Vitamin B-12 is essential for your metabolism, DNA production, and overall energy levels. Researchers have found that people experiencing premature greying of hair have vitamin B-12 deficiencies along with folic acid and biotin deficiencies. These vitamins are essential for hair growth as hair follicles, from which the hair develops, are one of the most metabolically active regions of our body as they produce millions of cells every day which is incorporated in the growing hair. As hair is not an essential organ for our body whenever any deficiency of these vitamins occurs, the first signs of deficiency usually appear in the hair in the form of greying of hair or thinning and breakage-prone hair. Supplementing these nutrients in patients with premature greying stops hair loss and also restores the color of the hair. Lack of certain minerals has also been found to play a major role in premature graying. Many mineral deficiencies can also lead to greying of hair like zinc, calcium, copper, and iron deficiency.20223
 Supplementation with these trace elements might reverse and prevent the progression of greying of hair. NO. 2 GENETICS There are many reasons people experience graying, but a lot of times it simply comes down to natural aging and genetics. This means that it just happens because it is in your family genes. Check when your relatives or parents started having grey hair and see if it matches your timeline. Researchers have found a gene k/a IRF4 on chromosome no 6 that is associated with premature greying of hair. While it is unlikely to be the only gene controlling greying, it provides a new target 
for researchers. Experts believe there are many genetic as well as some environmental 
factors involved in this aging pathway - IRF4 is now an example that we now know about. Genetically driven graying hair can’t be reversed. However, there are numerous hair products and dyes you can choose from, whether you choose to cover your greys or embrace them instead. NO. 3 STRESS Stress is a very important reason why hair turns grey especially prematurely. Stress causes the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and this leads to a release of hormones like cortisol and noradrenaline. The overproduction of noradrenaline depletes the stem cells of melanocytes that are present in the hair follicle. Stem cells are like the parent cells of melanocytes in a hair follicle. When melanocyte number decreases the pigmentation of hair also decreases and this leads to greying of hair. That is why many people report white strands of hair after a stressful event like the death of a close one, relationship issues, etc. Try to manage your stress by including practices like meditation, yoga, and exercise in your daily routine. No. 4 SMOKING 
Smoking has consistently been linked to premature graying of hair. Indian Dermatology Journal 
published a study of more than 200 people in which they concluded that smokers were 
2.5 times more likely to experience premature graying 
than non-smokers. Another study, in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, linked smoking to premature greying in young men. The 
mechanism, similar to one proposed for stress, is that free radicals produced by smoking 
can damage the melanocytes that produce melanin. 
NO. 5 THYROID DISORDERS Thyroid disorders especially hypothyroidism 
is a very common reason for greying of hair in females. 
Hypothyroidism can be associated with telogen effluvium, along with the presentation of 
dry, brittle, and dull hair shafts. Telogen effluvium is a form of hair loss due to Hair shafts of patients with thyroid disorders also showing substantially reduced tensile strength NO. 6 CHEMICAL HAIR DYES and hair products can contribute to premature hair greying. Many 
of these products contain harmful ingredients that 
decrease melanin production and can lead to greying of 
hair. Use henna or herbal dyes(product photo) to 
color your hair. They do not contain harmful chemicals 
that damage the hair. NO. 7 SUN DAMAGE 
Too much sun exposure can turn your hair brittle, dry and can lead to premature greying. The 
sun produces UVA and UVB rays which negatively 
affect your scalp. This damage can result in premature 
greying of hair. The sun has a tendency to lighten hair color. Because our hair is dead 
skin beyond the scalp, the active melanocytes in the hair 
follicle don't defend the hair shaft exposed to the sun. 
So the hair is forced to fend for itself, thereby becoming bleached and damaged. 
So, vitamin & mineral deficiencies, genetics, thyroid disorders, smoking, chemical hair 
dyes and sun damage are among the most common causes that
lead to grey hair.

High Blood Pressure | Hypertension | Nucleus Health

 High blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition in which the force of blood on the walls of your arteries is often too high. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart to supply your tissues with oxygen and nutrients. In your heart, two chambers, called ventricles, contract with each heartbeat to push blood to your lungs and through your arteries to your body. As blood flows through them, three main factors affect the pressure on your artery walls. The first is cardiac output or the amount of blood your ventricles push out of your heart each minute. Your blood pressure goes up as cardiac output increases. The second factor affecting your blood pressure is blood volume or the total amount of blood in your body. Blood pressure also goes up as blood volume increases. The third factor that affects your blood pressure is resistance, which is anything working against the blood flow through your arteries. Several factors contribute to resistance.2023 One resistance factor is the flexibility of your artery wall. Healthy arteries expand with each heartbeat to help reduce blood pressure on the wall. Another resistance factor is the diameter of your arteries. Your body is able to increase the diameter of your arteries to lower your blood pressure or reduce the diameter to raise your blood pressure. A third resistance factor is blood viscosity or thickness. In your blood, more particles, such as proteins and fat, increase viscosity. If your blood is thicker, your blood pressure goes up as your heart works harder to push it through your arteries. Your blood pressure can be measured with a device called a sphygmomanometer, or blood pressure cuff. When your heart beats, the pressure of blood on the walls of your arteries is called systolic pressure. When your heart relaxes between beats, pressure on the artery wall is called diastolic pressure. While your blood pressure may change throughout the day, it should normally be less than 120 millimeters of mercury for systolic pressure, and less than 80 millimeters of mercury for diastolic pressure. If your systolic pressure frequently stays above 140, or your diastolic pressure frequently stays above 90, you have high blood pressure. Over time, high blood pressure will damage the walls of your arteries. Your artery wall may become weak and form an enlargement called an aneurysm. Or the wall may burst and bleed into the surrounding tissue. Small tears in your artery wall may attract certain substances in your blood, such as cholesterol, fat, and calcium, to form a build-up called plaque. Blood flow through your artery decreases as the plaque enlarges. Blood cells can stick to the plaque and form solid clumps, called clots, further reducing, or completely blocking, your blood flow. Damage to your arteries raises your blood pressure even more by making your heartbeat more forcefully. Artery damage and reduced blood flow lead to conditions such as a stroke, heart attack, or kidney disease. In most cases, the cause of high blood pressure, or hypertension, is unknown. This type of high blood pressure is called primary, or essential, hypertension. Treatment for essential hypertension includes lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet. If you are sensitive to the sodium in salt, your doctor may recommend limiting your intake of salt and highly processed foods. Sodium may cause your body to retain water, which increases both your blood volume and your blood pressure. Other lifestyle changes that can reduce blood pressure include avoiding excessive alcohol intake; getting regular exercise; losing weight, if you are overweight; and quitting smoking. Your doctor may also recommend medications that act on your kidneys, blood vessels, or heart to help reduce your blood pressure. Diuretics commonly called water pills, cause your kidneys to move more salt and water from your blood into your urine, which reduces your blood volume and pressure. Beta-blockers reduce the workload on your heart by decreasing both the rate of your heartbeat and the strength of your heart's contractions. Several types of drugs act directly or indirectly to reduce your blood pressure by relaxing your blood vessels, which increases their diameter. These drugs include ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, and direct-acting vasodilators.

High blood pressure dangers: Hypertension's effects on your body - Mayo  ClinicHigh Blood Pressure | NHLBI, NIH

BrainHemorrhage #Stroke Hemorrhagic Stroke

Overview of Hemorrhagic Stroke - Brain, Spinal Cord, and Nerve Disorders -  MSD Manual Consumer Version

 A stroke occurs when the blood flow in part of your brain is blocked after just a few minutes the starved brain cells begin to die normally the brain receives blood via two major pairs of arteries which branch throughout brain tissue and supply your brain cells with a constant flow of oxygen, glucose and nutrients necessary for their functions during a hemorrhagic stroke abnormal bleeding disrupts normal blood flow for example in an intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke a blood vessel bursts spilling blood directly into your brain will robbing an intended tissue of nourishement both the hemorrhage and lack of blood supply called ischemia destroy brain tissue a subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a weak spot in a blood vessel wall called an aneurysm bursts and leaks blood into the tight space between your brain and your skull the high pressure bleeding results in serious damage to brain tissue immediate treatment for your stroke may help to minimize brain cell injury and death in a case of hemorrhagic stroke emergency surgery may be necessary to repair damaged arteries or reduce the pressure of blood on your brain you may be given medication to help the brain's blood flow return to normal.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Red Blood Cells | Physiology | Biology

Human Transport Systems: Red Blood Cells & Plasma | Edexcel IGCSE Biology  Revision Notes

  I'm sure you know the blood is pretty important right I mean if you see that someone has lost lower blood it's not usually a good sign but why what is so important about blood well in the next few videos we will show you just how special this incredible red liquid is your blood is made up of plasma red blood cells white blood cells and platelets in this video we will look at the red blood cell are also known as erythrocytes and you have a lot of them in fact in just one drop of blood there are about five million red blood cells they only live for 120 days in your bloodstream and every second your body makes 2.5 million new red blood cells to replace old dead cells okay I hear you say that's great we have lots of these cells what do they actually do

well they have one very important 
function and that is to transport oxygen 
around the body every cell in the body 
needs oxygen in order to carry out 
aerobic respiration and release energy  we take oxygen into our lungs every time we inhale but something has to pick up that oxygen and carry it to all the other cells in the body and that is the job of your red blood cells and you know what they do a very good job of it and that's because they have all the special adaptations needed to carry out this very important role firstly they have a biconcave disc shape this basically means they look like a jammed own actor that has been squashed in the middle, this gives them a large surface area to absorb oxygen very quickly another adaptation is that they have no nucleus think about it there would be no use in a red blood cell taking up extra space with a large nucleus when it could use that space to carry even more oxygen an amazing adaptation but the best adaptation of all is that they contain the transport protein hemoglobin in the lungs it binds with oxygen to become oxyhemoglobin as the red blood cells travel around the body they release this oxygen from the oxyhemoglobin to the respiring tissues but there is more oxyhemoglobin is also what gives the characteristic red color to the blood cells, you can see that red blood cells are very special cells 
did you know it is one of the world's  biggest killers the malaria parasite invade and destroy blood cells and that's why it's such a serious disease to get and yet although they are so important red blood cells make up just one part of your blood, of course, we've got more lessons for you on the other 
parts a quick question to see if you've 
been paying attention to how much red blood  
cells have your body.

Cell Membrane Structure, Function,

Cell Membrane Function and Structure

 Cell membrane, specifically the fluid mosaic model, and what makes it semi-permeable. Okay, here we go! The cell membrane has several major roles. It protects the cell from its surroundings, maintains an internal environment that is different from its external environment, and determines which particles may enter or exit the cell. It has many components that allow it to perform all of these functions. These include phospholipids, cholesterol, channel proteins, carrier proteins, glycoproteins, and peripheral proteins. The membrane they create is both fluid and selectively permeable. Here's a picture of the cell membrane. Notice how it has two layers. These layers are comprised of what we call phospholipids. The phosphate head is both polar and hydrophilic. Attached to it are two nonpolar hydrophobic fatty acid tails. These tails can be either saturated or unsaturated. The phosphate groups have a charge, and the tails do not. The nonpolar tails face inwards towards one another, and the polar phosphate groups are on the outside. This arrangement keeps molecules from passing through too easily. In between every few phospholipids is a molecule you've probably heard of; Cholesterol. Despite what you might see in all those pharmaceutical commercials, cholesterol is actually really important. It helps the cell membrane maintain an appropriate level of fluidity by managing the space between phospholipids. At room temperature, the cell membrane has about the same consistency as vegetable oil, which is ideal. However, higher temperatures would cause the cell membrane components to move farther away from each other and the membrane would disintegrate. Conversely, colder temperatures would cause the phospholipids to clump together and make the cell membrane too rigid to work properly. Cholesterol has a very stable structure, and it helps the phospholipids stay at the optimal distance from one another... Almost like an overzealous chaperone at a middle school dance. So, how exactly does it control what molecules can pass in and out? Certain molecules like oxygen and carbon dioxide can easily squeeze through them without any special accommodations. This is lucky because we exchange a lot of oxygen-carbon dioxide during cellular respiration. These molecules are small and uncharged, so they can sneak through using just diffusion. However, other molecules can't get through without help, and this is where many of our proteins are going to come into play. Molecules that are large or charged can't get through the fatty inner layer. Specialized channel proteins allow large

or charged molecules to pass through the membrane. These molecules flow down the 
concentration gradient from high concentration to low concentration. 
Structures called carrier proteins to charge a toll to admit a molecule. In return for a small amount of ATP, these proteins allow certain molecules to pass through. They are especially useful because they can often pump items against their concentration gradients. A great example of this is the sodium-potassium pump, which pumps sodium out of cells, and potassium into cells, allowing neurons to work. The cell membrane also often includes glycoproteins, which have a protein component embedded in the cell wall and then a carbohydrate protrusion that dangles out away from it. Antibodies involve glycoproteins, but they also play a major role in conception. Human egg cells are surrounded by layers including the Corona Radiata and the Zona Pellucida. Sperm cells contain special enzymes in a compartment called the Acrosome. These enzymes break through the Corona Radiata, exposing the glycoproteins in the inner Zona Pellucida. The sperm attaches itself to these glycoproteins, which begins the process of fusing the two cell membranes so the genetic material can be combined. Finally, cell membranes are also studded with peripheral proteins on one side of the membrane. They can attach and remove themselves from either side of the cell membrane over and over again. You've probably come across a number of peripheral proteins if you've studied cellular respiration. The compartments of mitochondria are bound by a phospholipid membrane, which is studded with proteins, just like the ones earlier in this video. Cytochrome C is an important protein in the electron transport chain. The final steps of cellular respiration. Interestingly, enzymes associated with the Cytochrome C protein are one of the targets of the poison Cyanide. To wrap up, let's consider this idea called the Fluid Mosaic Model. We've learned that the cell membrane is fluid thanks to cholesterol,

Diaphragm - Definition, Function, Muscle & Anatomy | Kenhub

Diaphragm: Location, anatomy, innervation and function | Kenhub

 We've all had hiccups, and we've all tried the weird and wonderful ways to get rid of them, from holding your nose while drinking water to letting your friend scare you half to death. Did you know that hiccups are actually involuntary spasms of your diaphragm? Stick around to learn more about this muscle in our tutorial about the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a domed sheet of skeletal muscle that resides in the trunk of the body and separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. Looking from an inferior perspective we can see it has three peripheral attachments, which are the xiphoid process anteriorly, the costal cartilages of ribs seven to ten as well as ribs eleven and twelve laterally, and the lumbar vertebrae and arcuate ligaments posteriorly. The muscle fibers of the diaphragm converge at the central attachment which is the central tendon. The parts of the diaphragm that arise from the vertebrae are tendinous in structure and are known as the left and right crura. The left crus arises from L1 and L2 and the intervertebral discs and the right crus arises from the lumbar vertebrae L1 to L3.

As you can see, the diaphragm has several openings, which allows structures to pass 
between the thoracic and abdominal cavities.  
It has three major openings and several minor openings. In this tutorial, we're going to talk about the major openings and the associated structures that pass through them. The major openings are named after the larger structures that run through them and the first one we'll talk about is the aortic hiatus. The aortic hiatus sits at the level of T12 and transmits the aorta, the azygos vein, the hemiazygos vein, and the thoracic duct. Next, we have the esophageal hiatus which occurs at the level of T10. This opening transmits the esophagus, the vagus nerves, and the esophageal arteries. The last major opening is the caval hiatus, which lies at the level of T8. The caval hiatus transmits the inferior vena cava and the terminal branches of the right phrenic nerve. Now close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out. Guess what? You just used your diaphragm. The diaphragm is the primary muscle of respiration. During inspiration, it contracts and flattens to increase the volume of the thoracic cavity causing the lungs to expand. During expiration, the diaphragm relaxes and returns to its dome-like shape, which reduces the volume of the thoracic cavity expelling air from the lungs. Okay, time to move on to the neurovasculature of the diaphragm. The diaphragm receives most of its arterial supply from the left and right inferior phrenic arteries. The venous drainage mirrors this and is carried out by the inferior phrenic veins. The diaphragm receives motor innervation from the left and right phrenic nerves, which we can see here highlighted in green. Each phrenic nerve contains fibers from the spinal root C3 to C5, and luckily, I've got a nice rhyme to help you remember this. C3, 4, and 5 keep the diaphragm alive! In today's clinical notes, we're going to talk a bit more about those dreaded hiccups. So, what causes hiccups? Often hiccups seem to start for absolutely no reason. However, there are some triggers including abdominal surgery, spicy food, and stress. Hiccups normally disappear after a few minutes, but in some unlucky individuals, they can last days, weeks, or even months. So how do we combat the hiccups? The method that you'll all be aware of is holding your breath. This is meant to help reset the natural rhythm of your diaphragm and stop those hiccups. Others include sucking on a peppermint, biting a lemon, and breathing into a paper bag. The pursuit of a cure for this mysterious ailment has even explored the effects of digital rectal massage in treating hiccups. However, if you’re hiccupping for more than 48 hours, it's time to see a doctor and get some medication. And that brings us to the end of our short tutorial on the diaphragm. But don't let your learning stop here, visit where you can read interesting articles, test your knowledge.

The Miraculous World of Eyes: A Window to the Soul

Introduction The eyes, often called the windows to the soul, are one of the most fascinating and intricate organs in the human body. These r...