Friday, October 29, 2021


Female reproductive system alright so if you 
guys look here we're going to look at this from the anterior view this right here this fatty rounded region Reiter is called the Mons pubis, okay and it's usually gotten covered with hair it might not be within all people right you know depending upon how much landscaping they do are in that area but anyway this is going to be the Mons pubis okay the fatty rounded region there now let's actually come back so we can see a couple structures back here so if you guys look back here you're going to see this right here this is actually the top part of the bladder raiser so this is actually gonna be the bladder okay so the top superior part of the bladder a lot of connective tissue right up above it right now right here you're going to see the uterus okay now there are different parts of you'll see a better view of it and another model may be in a little bit in here but you're going to see this part here it's actually called the fundus of the uterus so this fat rounded region here is called the fundus 
of the uterus this part right here is 
kind of like the body of the uterus okay the body of the uterus and then you'll actually see that we have another part here called the issuance of the uterus we'll see that later and at the bottom, we have the cervix uterus so there are actually different parts of the uterus there's the fundus of the uterus the 
body of the uterus the issuance of the 
uterus and this was called the cervix of the uterus it's not really well seen on this model we can see in another model I'll show you guys, okay now next thing is I'm going to turn it here a little bit and I want you guys to see another structure here so if you see here this is actually the ovary okay this is the ovary in the over you have ovarian follicles that are basically maturing and helping to produce what's called the female oocytes in the ovum which would hopefully the design is to 
be fertilized by some type of sperm cell 
right so again that's the ovary now the ovary is connected to the uterus through this ligament right here let me actually 
bring it right here you can kind of see 
the ligament right there that white little structure right there that is called the ovarian ligament okay it's called the ovarian ligament and the ovarian ligament is actually going to be connecting the ovary to the uterus now there's another ligament and it's pretty much all of this part in here it's a very very huge it's actually made up of two components one is actually called the mezzo varium and the other part is the suspensory ligaments all of this right here is called the broad ligament okay so all of this right here is called the broad ligament and it's made up of the mezzo varium and the suspense really ones okay so now we sawed those ligaments we saw the ovarian ligament we solved the actual broad ligament there's a ligament back here which is anchoring the uterus to the sacral region right and this is actually called the uterosacral 
ligament or the sacral uterine ligament 
it's whichever one you can interchange them okay so this ligament back here which is anchoring the uterus to the sacral part it's actually going to be the uterosacral ligament or the sacral uterine ligament okay so so far which ligaments do we have right now we have the ovarian ligament we have the broad ligament and then we have the uterus sacral England okay one more ligament here this is actually going to be right here this ligament right there this ligament is actually going to be specifically called the round ligament okay it's called the round 
ligament now the round ligament is 
important because what the RAL lumen does it actually anchors the uterus anteriorly okay uterus sacred ligament anchors the uterus post tearily and then the actual suspensory ligaments and the mezzo varium is actually making up the part of the broadly which helps to anchor it laterally all right and then again you saw the ovarian limit which is anchoring the ovary to the uterus all right sweet deal and again we said that we have different parts of the uterus the fundus of the uterus the body of the uterus the issuance of the uterus we had the cervix of the years we'll see that again on another model alright so next thing is actually the fallopian tubes if you look here these little finger-like projections it's called the fin brain of the fallopian tubes okay so they're important because whenever we get close to the ovulation point what happens is the ovary is going to eject what's called a secondary oocyte in metaphase to into the fallopian tubes and the femora actually kind of stiffen and help to sweep across the surface of the ovary to move the OA site towards the fallopian tubes and they catch the actual secondary oocyte or that ovum we're going to be trying to fertilize now right back here there's a dilated region so this is dilated region that we actually have specifically the fallopian tubes it'scalled the ambulance to elope in tubes with a dilated region now it's hard to see in 
this one but you actually have what's 
called the infundibulum of the fallopian 
tubes so it's kind of like the stalk by 
which the fingers are coming off so if 
you imagine here's the femme brain 
whatever is holding on it's like this 
actual stock like portion here it's
really hard to see it but it's actually 
kind of like a little stalk-like 
portions called the infundibulum that 
actually the little fan braids dangle 
from but then a little bit behind that 
there's this dilated region called the ampulla okay and that's where 
fertilization occurs okay so femora the 
fallopian tubes are connected to a stalk-like structure called the infundibulum and then back behind that is going to be 
the ampulla the fallopian tube which is 
a dilated region where the fertilization reaction occurs okay and then the
fallopian tubes will continue downwards 
and go into the uterus through what's called the issuance of the fallopian tube which you can't see here but we will see you on another model all right so we're going to look at one more thing before we go internal to see some of the other structures here so remember this is the Mons pubis what we're going to 
have here is we have these things called 
lab iya or lips right here is the 
outer lip okay so this is the outer lip which is actually covered with hair so it's called the lab iya major there's 
another one inside which is called the 
lab iya menorah which is supposed to be 
not having any air, okay, and then you can 
kind of see here if I stick this in there that's actually called the external you'll actually I'm sorry the 
vaginal orifice you actually see the 
vaginal Orcas we'll see that here in a second alright so I'm just turning it on the side a little bit so you guys are just looking at the side over here okay before we had it anteriorly to the Montesquiou this was back here we're going to be looking at it aside over here so right here you're going to have this gland it's called the greater vestibular glands at the Barth lens glands and they're responsible for producing a mucous that resides in a 
little space within a lab you more 
called the vestibule okay we'll talk about that but again this is going to be the greater vestibular glands as a barre things length and then just kind of covering them over them is a special skeletal muscle called the Bulbul spongy osseous muscle, okay so we would actually have the Bulbul NGO so small so if you want I can turn it over here so you can actually see the muscle it's right there okay then there's another muscle right here called the laboratory and okay all right so now we're going to do is going to look at some of the structures internally all right so now we're taking a look internally here so if you guys can remember we had this was 
right here to a lab, your image or the outer 
skinfold here and this is the lab yeoman or the inner skin fold lab image or has hair live in minora no hair now there's a little space in here that we call the vestibule so that space is in the lab in menorahs called the vestibule and again there were the glands called the greater barton's glands or the vez tubes are at the greater vestibular glands or the Barth lens glands that were secreting mucus into this vestibule area okay now anterior over here you're going to see this structure right here this is actually a rectal tissue this is actually called the clitoris okay so the clitoris is actually erectile tissue so it has corpus cavernosa minute then takes it up and it's actually riddled with a lot of blood vessels and it actually has a little skin fold wrapping around it called the pre poops which is basically like foreskin that's wrapping 
around this actual clitoris here okay 
and it's rich with a lot of nerve fibers so under tactile stimuli or touch or erotic stimuli this could be activated and it can fill with blood and become engorged alright so the end lab you major lab in menorah hair hairless vestibule clitoris all right as we work our way upwards superiorly we're going to run to this next part here remember this structure we talked about in the male reproductive system that we had this thing called the urogenital diaphragm which was made up of the external urethral sphincter which is this tiny little muscle here and then there's another muscle called the dee transverse perennials that make that up okay right here you're going to see that the female urethra is a lot smaller lots 
are a lot shorter as compared to the 
male the male has three components of the urethra the Prospect prostatic the membranous and the spongy or penile while the female has just a straight urethra here okay so this is the female urethra and again external urethral sphincter is made up of skeletal muscle 
and is controlled by the somatic nervous a 
system so we have voluntary control over this guy so thank goodness it prevents us from peeing our pants okay so again 
urethra external urethral sphincter 
then as we go upwards we're going to get over here to do the actual bladder and the bladder is made up of a very very very thick muscle here this pinkish part here is called the 
the trustor muscle it's called the 
detrusor muscle and it's also going to be part of the muscularis externa which 
is the muscle layer they basically 
contract to expel the urine the 
bladder inside of the bladder you're 
going to have what's called the mucosa which has a lot of like rugae which a lot of these little fat little lumps in there and the rugae is basically trying to increase the surface area now if you remember the mucosa is made of an 
epithelium called transitional 
epithelial tissue which is very good at being able to stretch and distend as urine accumulates in the bladder then it's really hard to see but you have two holes inside of a bladder one is actually going to be from the right ureter and one will be from the left their little hole so they call them the ureter orifices so let's imagine that this one here will be a lefty rat orifice and then there would be a right you're at the orifice and then the urethral form like a triangular structure it's called the trigon okay so the try going is made up of both the ureter orifices and the urethra and the internal urethral sphincter which is a little patch of smooth muscle right here 
about in this area, it's going to 
constrict the urethra and make the nice triangular structure called the Tri's bone okay I cover that and just for those of you who want this is actually the pubic symphysis which is made up of fibrocartilage alright cool now we're going to come back here we're going to enter into the vagina or the sheath the vagina is really short it's actually about 
three or four centimeters long but it's 
very very distensible okay so looking at this guy you're going to see that the vagina is actually going to main a bit mucosal layer is made up of a stratified squamous epithelial tissue to resist against friction and abrasion okay then 
as we move our way up through the vagina 
you're going to see a little smiley face 
see it see this vagina smiling at you this is called the fornix okay so the fornix is these little arches here okay and basically forms what's called the external laws and the internals we're not going to talk about that here because it's really hard to see from this view but again Vlada vagina or sheath and it's going to have an epithelium a look stratified 
squamous it has a lot of elastic tissue 
on the outer parts and then again we're going to have the fornix and that's going to be the arches here okay the smiley face then at the edge here if I imagine I'm poking this part here of the uterus, this right here is called the cervix of the uterus is okay so I'm poking this part here that's called the cervix of the uterus now what I'm going to do is we'll actually have a couple more things here so we can see it but I'm going to take this piece off here in a second because it can actually get removed and we can see inside of the uterus alright so let's go ahead and do that first alright so now what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at this kind of like the layering 
of the uterus so outside the outer 
covering of the uterus the outer covering of the uterus is actually called the peri medium okay so it's called the peri major it's actually made up of a nice simple squamous epithelial tissue with a little bit of areolar connective tissue so it's called the peri atrium now what I'm going to do is so you can see inside here I'm going to take this little piece off here so we can see inside alright so looking here you're going to notice this nice smooth muscle layer nice little muscular layer 
right here this whole part here this is 
actually called the myometrium and again the myometrium is made up of a nice smooth muscle it's good for the contractions of the uterus okay during the actual expulsion process during whenever you're trying to get birth all right and then in here, you're going to have the uterine cavity so that's the uterine cavity that's where the actual fetus will stay during the gestational period right so again that'd be the uterine cavity now the uterine cavity is lined by this actual simple columnar epithelial tissue called the endometrium okay the endo major Meghan the endometrium is going to be a simple columnar layer here lining the actual uterine cavity so again endometrium simple columnar epithelial tissue lining 
the uterine cavity myometrium is the 
actual smooth muscle layer and then just to finish it off again if I put this piece right back here on again this is going to be the peri medium and that's going to be again simple squamous epithelial tissue with a little bit of 
areolar connective tissue alright so now 
let's go ahead and look at some other 
structures here and back in that normal the 
view we had before alright so just for the heck of it I thought we throw this in there since we did with the male reproductive system again this is going to be the anal canal here okay you're going to see these little anal sinuses just these little grooves right there and then you're going to muscles here surrounding the anal canal DX the most a lower part of it right here 
this is going to be what's called the 
internal anal sphincter 50 okay and basically what this muscle and again you can see it kind of like right here too so that's actually going to be the internal sphincter this is actually made of a smooth muscle so it's under involuntary control when 
this muscle contracts it's going to try 
to start producing the actual reflexive 
activity to want to release or evacuate 
the bowels right now who's 
preventing you from you know restocking 
the leg with brown trout right at that the 
point I'm it's going to be number 51 
which is going to be called the external 
anal sphincter this is skeletal muscle 
and it's under voluntary control this is 
the guy that's holding the fort down 
preventing you from going into your 
pants right he was going to wait for the 
appropriate opportunity the appropriate the 
time you have conscious control over the 
sky okay so again 51 is the external 
anal sphincter he's under saw somatic 
control or voluntary control because 
His skeletal muscle 50 is the internal 
anal sphincter which is smooth muscle 
okay this guy will contract whenever the 
reflexive activities are occurring 
because of the stretching of the rectum 
and then the external language maybe you 
have voluntary control over to determine 
when you want to go ahead and you know 
paint a Tom Brown alright guys so to 
finish off here I just want to highlight 
one last thing that's kind of hard to 
point out from everywhere it's kind of 
like a large area, it's called the vulva 
or the pudendal it's consists of a lot 
of different parts of the external 
genitalia so to kind of list them off in 
an order we're going to say that one 
part of the vulva or the addendum is 
called the Mons pubis another part is 
called the lab um Majora another one is 
called the lab yup my Norah 
then there's the space inside of the lab 
you minora called the vestibule and then there are
 glands called the greater 
vestibular glands of the bars lens 
glands that are actually secreting that 
mucus into that vegetable there also 
another component of the vole bar the 
pudendal and then we're also going to 
have the clitoris, okay, and if you 
remember the clitoris is the erectile 
tissue which is surrounded by a little 
skin folds lobule skin folds which is 
called the prepuce.

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