Sunday, October 31, 2021

Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction

Male Sexual Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation - Correction Through  Diet, Lifestyle and Ayurvedic Herbs | Lybrate

  sexual problems did you know these problems are just as much psychological as they are physical I'm talking about erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation so the doctor can you first explain what PME and Edie are me the long-form premature ejaculation is basically the inability to hold that ejaculation in the satisfaction of both partners happens it has nothing related to time as stated in common man it's related to the orgasm or the satisfaction of both partners secondly the Edie erectile dysfunction is the inability to hold or maintain the erection for completing the sexual intercourse either the partner is not able to achieve the addiction or if he can achieve the erection he is not able to maintain to complete the sexual act that is called as erectile dysfunction so who suffers from these disorders and why is that the case

usually what we see in clinical practice 
are the young males who are newly  
sexually active newly married people who have got a lot of sexual anxiety performance anxiety usually suffer but the second zone of people are the middle-aged means because they tend to suffer from diabetes hypertension 
cardiac disorders here the nature of 
illness is more organic than the psychogenic the 
component is not involved but how does 
someone knows that they should go to the 
doctor as opposed to just suffering from this anxiety just a handful of times yeah usually the young people tend to suffer from the anxiety so age matters secondly if the person is getting morning directions if he is able to masturbate if the eds of sudden onset then it is not the gradual onset there no pen or there is no curvature on erection it's the psychogenic ad whereas if the person is middle-aged if he is having different disorders like diabetes cardiac problems lipid problems the Edie is gradually non-set initially there was a little difficulty which has progressed 
to complete erectile dysfunction if the a 
person is not getting even morning erection he is not able to masturbate the cause is more serious or organic and how does one get treated for these the 
treatment obviously depends on the 
course no matter if the patient is young 
or the old we need to investigate to 
know the exact cause 
so the investigations go in the lines 
like we need to do the fasting blood sugar we need to do their hormone 
the profile we need to do the urine routine 
to rule out the infections and if 
everything is fine what we do is the 
counseling some relaxation techniques 
are explained to patients in erectile 
dysfunction as well as imprimatur 
ejaculation exercise helps a lot to hold 
the erection to older control over the 
ejaculation cutting down the smoking also helps a lot of relaxation exercises should be done by both partners there are certain exercises which are specific for erectile dysfunction as well as for premature ejaculation if the problem is still not getting solved or if the problem is organic then there are drugs what we use the Vibram was commonly used truck over-the-counter drug which people abuse but the caution needs to be taken it's not suitable for all some serious side effect tend to happen if the person is taking without medical supervision and if the problem is still not getting sold for example maybe viagra for erectile dysfunction and for premature ejaculation we give anti-anxiety drugs to control the anxiety if the problem is still persistent and some major pathologies there we tend to go for the injections we'll drive in spinal injections and some surgeries are undertaken but that's for the most severe case more severe cases most of the cases are managed with plane counseling reassurance and some relaxation techniques with lifestyle 
modification so there you have it 
viewers sexual anxiety is an extremely a 
common problem amongst men that can be
resolved with doctors good word so you 

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