Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The basal ganglia - The direct pathway | Nervous system diseases

Direct pathway basal ganglia | Basal ganglia, Neurology, Basal ganglia  anatomy
     Eat our food.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        have this really incredible system
 And we actually in our brains that allow us to make these movements, 
and it prevents unwanted movements from happening, and it does this in this really smooth, streamlined way that we don't even really notice. So this system is called the basal ganglia, and the basal ganglia is actually a collection of nuclei, and here when we say nuclei what we mean are structures that are just kind of made up of a bunch of neurons. So these little clusters of neurons. So the basal ganglia is made up of a few of these clusters of neurons, these nuclei, and before we actually go through how they together control our movements, let's just first have a look at where these structures are in the brain. So here we have a diagram of the brain, and the way that we're looking at it is 
as though we sliced it, and we kind of 
split up the front and the back of the brain, 
and now we're looking inside one of these sections. 
And we call this a coronal section. so if we look here, this is the putamen, and over here is the body of the caudate nucleus. And down here we can actually see the tail of the caudate nucleus, and the putamen and the caudate nucleus together actually form what we call the striatum. And if we look back over here, we can see what we call the globus pallidus, and this is the external part, 
the external globus pallidus, 
and this is the internal part. And if we look down here at this black structure that we have on our diagram, this is the substantia nigra, and we call it this, we call it the substantia nigra, which means black substance because the neurons here have this pigment in them, this coloring, that makes them actually look black in the brain. And we can actually see this darkness of the substantia nigra quite nicely if we look at an MRI. So in this MRI of the brain, you can see 
these little black areas here on both sides of the brain, 
and this is the substantia nigra. 
And if we head back over to our diagram of the brain, 
we have over here the subthalamic nucleus, 
and we call it this because it actually sits below, 
sub meaning below, the thalamus. So except for the thalamus, these are the components of the basal ganglia that we need to know about to talk about movement. So all of these structures, including the thalamus, work together to control our movements, 
and the way that they do that, 
the way that they communicate with each other, 
is through these pathways. 
And we're going to talk about these pathways, 
but this communication in these pathways 
is controlled by neurons, neurons talking to each other. 
So before we dive into these details of these pathways, 
I'm going to throw some terminology at you, 
just so that things make a little bit more sense 
as we're going along. So when a neuron goes from one part of the brain to another, it actually communicates with another neuron at its destination, and it does this at what we call a synapse. And it's here that the first neuron, which we call the presynaptic neuron, that came from the first location, and the postsynaptic neuron, which is in the arriving destination, this is where they talk, and they talk by sending chemicals that we call neurotransmitters. So the presynaptic neuron sends a bunch of chemicals to the postsynaptic neuron, and depending on what kind of chemicals they send, the postsynaptic neuron may have different things happen to it. So one important neurotransmitter that the presynaptic neuron can send is GABA, and GABA we call our main inhibitory neurotransmitter, 
and we call it this, this inhibitory neurotransmitter 
because it has this inhibitory effect 
on the postsynaptic neuron. So it kind of turns it off. It turns its activity off. It inhibits it. 
So another neurotransmitter 
that the presynaptic neuron could send is one that excites the second neuron, excites the postsynaptic neuron, and turns its activity up. And the main excitatory neurotransmitter is called glutamate, and this increases activity in the postsynaptic neuron when we excite it. 
So all of this will become important 
as we go through these pathways. So there are two big things that we need help with when it comes to movements. The first is that we actually need help making a movement. So we need help getting from saying to our bodies, hey, I want to move my arm, I want to grab that cup of coffee, to the point where we actually are moving our arm. So everything in between we need help with. And the second thing we need help with is not moving, making sure our muscles are not moving when we're at rest 
or when we just don't want them to. 
So the pathway that takes care of this first one here, we call the direct pathway, and the pathway that takes care of the second one here, 
we call the indirect pathway, 
and both of these pathways, we call these 
the pathways of the basal ganglia. So they're involving those structures that we looked at before when we were looking at the brain. And we're going to go through the direct pathway. So these are the components of our pathway, and before we begin, it's important that we recognize 
that the thalamus here, the thalamus, 
it's normally under what we call inhibition. 
So this means that unless things change, 
the thalamus's, its activity is being suppressed. 
It's not allowed to be as active as it wants to be. 
So the aim of the direct pathway is to take away its inhibition, to allow the thalamus to be more active, and that's because the thalamus is what talks to 
the motor cortex, which then talks to our muscles, 
telling them to move. 
So if we want to get the movement going, 
if we want to move our arms, we need the thalamus 
to be able to be active. 
So that's the aim of the direct pathway. 
So the first thing that happens is up here, 
in the motor cortex, and that's when we say, 
hey, I want to move. 
So when we say that, an excitatory neuron from the motor cortex goes to the striatum. So this is something that's already there, 
but the motor cortex sends an excitatory message 
to the striatum, and this excitatory neuron here, 
it actually synapsis with an inhibitory neuron 
in the striatum that's heading to 
the globus pallidus internal.
So when this excitatory message comes down 
this excitatory neuron and synapsis on this inhibitory neuron in the striatum, heading for the globus pallidus internal, what this does is it excites the striatum, and these inhibitory neurons in the striatum, they become more active, because the striatum is excited. 
So these inhibitory neurons, they're more active, 
and so they actually inhibit the globus pallidus internal 
more than it would have been before we sent 
this excitatory message from the motor cortex. 
So this excitation that's happening here 
is happening because of glutamate being released, 
and this inhibition on the globus pallidus internal 
is happening over here because of GABA being released. 
So the globus pallidus internal normally is 
what's actually holding the thalamus down, 
keeping its activity down. 
So when its inhibited by these striatal neurons, 
its activity is turned down. 
So when the activity of the globus pallidus internal 
is turned down, it can't inhibit the thalamus 
as much as it normally would. 
So the thalamus is now no longer as inhibited 
as it was, so it's able to get a bit more excited, 
a bit more active, and it's able to send excitatory messages 
to the motor cortex, because it has these 
excitatory neurons that go there. 
So it sends more and more messages to the motor cortex, 
and the motor cortex gets more active, 
and it then sends excitatory messages 
to the muscles that we want to move.
So that's how we make those movements that we want to make. 
So while all of this is going on, 
the substantia nigra and the subthalamic nucleus, 
they're actually kind of working in the background 
to fine-tune things.
So the substantia nigra has these neurons 
that are dopamine neurons, and they actually go 
from the substantia nigra to the striatum, 
where they synapse with inhibitory neurons in the striatum 
that is going to the globus pallidus internal. 
So kind of those ones that we talked about before. 
So when the substantia nigra is more active, 
it sends more and more dopamine 
to these inhibitory neurons in the striatum 
that are heading for the globus pallidus internal. 
And these inhibitory neurons in the striatum, 
they have these dopamine receptors 
that we call D1 receptors. 
And when dopamine from the substantia nigra 
binds to these D1 receptors 
on these inhibitory neurons in the striatum, 
they get excited.
And so, the dopamine coming from the substantia nigra 
further excites these inhibitory neurons 
heading for the globus pallidus internal, 
and this results in even more reduction inactivity, 
even more inhibition of the globus pallidus internal, 
and this allows the thalamus to be even more active, 
because we've further blocked that signal.
And back over here, the subthalamic nucleus 
is actually what's exciting the substantia nigra. So it sends excitatory messages 
through excitatory neurons from the subthalamic nucleus 
to the substantia nigra, and this is what excites 
the substantia nigra and allows it to send 
more dopamine to the striatum. 
And the substantia nigra can actually talk back 
to the subthalamic nucleus, and it does this through 
inhibitory neurons and this allows it to say, 
hey, stop exciting me, I've had enough excitement. 
So it actually inhibits the subthalamic nucleus, 
which then stops the subthalamic nucleus 
from being able to excite the substantia nigra. 
So when this happens, when the substantia nigra 
isn't being as excited by the subthalamic nucleus, 
then it's not adding to that extra activity in the thalamus. 
It's not allowing the striatum to further inhibit 
the globus pallidus internal. 
And so, we don't get as much movement from muscles 
as we would if the substantia nigra was excited. 
So together these structures in the direct pathway, 
they work together to ultimately increase excitation
 of the motor cortex, so to make it more active 
and allow us to make more muscle movements.

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